My Vegetarian Month

Updated: 8th May 2014 – 8 days into my vegetarian month and all is going pretty much as expected.

Sticking to vegetarian diet has been easy, but then again I have only been out once so far this month and had three glasses of red wine and three tapas (cheese & olives, and a fried egg, chips and bread x2). Chips and bread were meant to be off the menu this month, but so far they are the only potatoes and bread that I have consumed so I figured no pint being too tough, and may as well enjoy a few ‘treats’.

It hasn’t been an issue avoiding sweets, although we were given a very nice box of chocolates for our wedding anniversary which Sands has opened, so I think I will have a couple at the weekend.

Sands made a spicy quorn dish which includes cashew nuts so I have had those and a few that were left over, but again, compared to the amount of nuts I usually consume on a daily basis I am not going to beat myself up.

Have been good on the exercise front: lots of walks with the dogs and so good bike rides, and have done a few pilates exercises and stretching.

Feeling good: tired (more exercise and fewer calories), and my food allergies seem to be much better, as does my knee which is great news!

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