1PASSWD lives up to the hype for me

1passwd128.pngI had wanted to look at 1PASSWD ($29.95) for some time, especially as it seems like nearly everyone that I ‘talk’ with on a regular basis either uses it or has reviewed it at some stage. Of those that have I think that Glenn and in particularly Darren have done a great job reviewing it.

What is 1Passwd?
* The most widely used password manager for Mac (according to MacUpdate, VersionTracker and iUseThis websites).
* The only password manager with integrated Anti-Phishing technology.
* Automatic form filler with support for credit cards and multiple identities.

Basic Authentication Login Windows

Basic Authentication is a simple method of user authentication supported by all popular web browsers. It is widely used in small private networks and computer devices, such as routers. 1Passwd is the first Mac Password Manager ever to support these login windows. Before 1Passwd, users would need to copy-and-paste their username and password from their “password vault” into the login window. With 1Passwd’s direct browser integration, however, users can now login with a single click and share this information between all browsers. Since 1Passwd uses the keychain to store all your data, your information is secure, easy to backup, and automatically available in all browsers.

I had some interesting ‘issues’ with Firefox, in that having installed 1PASSWD it sort of froze up but a combination of the latest version and some very prompt and helpful help from the developers got me up and running. The fact that the browser bar is only available for Firefox is somewhat frustrating as I would prefer to have the same UI and experience whichever browser or Mac I was using but that isn’t a ‘deal breaker’ by any means.

Pretty quickly I came to the conclusion that this is a Marmite application in that you will either love it or hate it (apologies to the non UK readers who probably wont ‘get’ the analogy with the TV advert for Marmite). Reading through previous reviews and comments confirmed this.

As I have said before I use a couple of browsers on a daily basis and I split my time most days between the Mac mini, MacBook and iMac so any application that helps keep me organised and my various tasks segregated the better.

Let’s be honest. Nobody really needs an application like 1PASSWD and if you use one browser on one Mac then you have a compelling argument not to bother with it. As I said though that isn’t my profile, and for me it has become an absolute godsend within a very short period of time. I particularly liked the multiple identities for the times that my wife and I swap Macs, and the integration with .Mac actually got me thinking a bit more positively about .Mac which is a minor miracle in it’s own right!

All in all it lived up to the hype and I have been really pleased with it.

Graphical License Cards

1Passwd is also pushing other boundaries: it is the first Mac application to use Graphical License cards for registration. Using images for licenses is more natural and makes the registration process enjoyable.

The detailed description of the new Graphical License cards is well worth a read.”


1Passwd requires Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) and is available for download from

A free version of 1Passwd is available; limited to 1 Identity and 12 Web Forms. The full unlimited version is sold for $29.95 USD.

4 thoughts on “1PASSWD lives up to the hype for me

  1. Chris Marshall Post author

    🙂 but I knew you wouldn’t pass up the chance for some self promotion!!! As usual very good reviews!!!

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