
I have been spending a lot of time on 9rules recently. I “joined” some time ago but spent a lot of time just observing. In the past I have been guilty of diving right in, thrashing around a bit, and then losing interest.

That is not something I wanted to do with 9rules as its reputation is excellent and it hard not to admire so many of the contributors.

During my period of reflection they closed down the option to apply to have your blog included – very much of a ‘holy grail’ for bloggers. That was sort of disappointing but understandable. One of the main reasons I like 9rules is that it is so established and consistent, so anything they need to do to retain that ‘integrity’ is fine by me.

I was a little surprised earlier today to see that although applications are still closed, people are submitting still – shouldn’t they be put to the back of the line? Apparently the ‘back log’ is in the thousands, so it may be some time before applications open – but when they do I will apply, and in the meantime I am more than happy to participate at my current level.

I case you are interested this is the Note I left earlier on this subject:

Always!!! And yes – I would love to be accepted but I haven’t even applied yet!! I read that they weren’t accepting invites and respected that – was a bit surprised to read above that people had still submitted. That seems like driving up a one way street the wrong way – maybe they should be put in a ‘showed no respect’ list?

I am redesigning my blog, will enjoy what I can out of 9rules, and if at some stage in the future the opportunity to apply comes up again then I will apply and go through whatever process the guys set up.

I have ‘watched’ 9rules for ages, but have started getting involved more recently. So far it is amazingly helpful and fun BUT I need to know that it something that I will ‘stick with’ before I wast anyones time by applying!

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