Archive Code Released

One feature that I am particularly pleased with on the new site, and which has received a lot of positive comment, is the code that Tom produced for the Vaults page.

I am not alone in liking this a lot, and have received a lot of requests to make the code available, so here it is!

The code initially was specific for this site, so Tom has done some work on making this current beta code more ‘universally safe’. I am currently using it on my Almerimar Life blog and Tom is using it on his own blog, so you can see how it will look on your site on either of these blogs.

Other sites where it has been installed and is working OK are Al-rruz and Al-rruz UK.

If you would like a copy of the code then all you have to do is email either Tom or Chris and we will send it along with the installation instructions and a short post that we would like you to use on your blog to help spread the word about the code in case other people want it.

The code is free, but as you would ‘expect’ any donations would be appreciated. We would also like to receive the URL for your site once you have installed the code so that we can a) see our work in action and b) use it to show other people the code in action, and please leave us comments below on your experiences, issues and thoughts for improvements. If we take one of your suggestions in the future we will happily send you a free copy of either TuneBar 2 or CastCount.

We have a few general ideas regarding a subsequent release, primarily based around a Ajax drop down menu on the Months page to accommodate sites with a large number of posts.

To ensure there are no surprises this is what the post text that you will receive says:

New Archive Page

You will see that I have recently added some new code to the site for the Archives page. This is free, and was developed by Tom and Chris and was first seen over on Chris’s new site on his Vaults page. In addition to my own site you can also see how the page looks over on Tom’s blog and the Almerimar Life blog.

The code is free, although you can donate a contribution should you feel so inclined, and all you have to do to receive the code and installation instructions is email either Tom or Chris and they will send it along with the text for a short post that they would like you to use on your blog to help spread the word about the code in case other people want it.

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