Portrait From Mac

One (of many) things that Mac and I found we had in common was a dislike of having our photo taken. Of course this meant we spent most of the …

Fruit or Veg?

Mac recently suggested that we picked a weekly subject and both took a photograph, posted it and let you guys comment on it. I liked the idea as I need …

Photoshop CS3 RAW

I had huge hopes for Photoshop CS3 RAW ($34.99), not least because it is written by Mikkel Aaland who wrote one of the best books on photography that I have, …

The Nikon D80

I was in at least two minds over this book. In theory I shouldn’t have needed it – I have been using my D80 for a while now, and it …

Photo Trip

Long shot this but wondering if anyone fancied trying to put together a trip over to here to take some photographs, drink some beer, play some golf (well maybe not …

Do You?

Believe it or not I plan most posts – but this morning I woke up with a range of photography related questions bouncing around in my head, so I thought …

Lightroom Adventure

The first book written specifically with Photoshop Lightroom 1.1 in mind, this beautifully illustrated and eminently practical book offers a complete tour of Adobe’s integrated digital photography workflow application. Augmented …

Adobe Photoshop CS3: one-on-one

Pioneering computer graphics author Deke McClelland updates his bestselling hands-on tutorial for Adobe Photoshop CS3, the latest version of this industry-standard image editing and production program. You’ll be guided step …