6 thoughts on “Let’s Think Different

  1. Darren Rolfe

    Very cool, what’s your background – they look very professional?

    Do you work in the design field?

  2. Mark Howson

    Thanks Darren.

    I have quite possibly the strangest two jobs ever, that you’d think would clash completely. I’m in design and PR/marketing!


  3. Calvin Lindsay

    being different is sometimes a good idea. Especially if you have a stand out reason and a great principle to live for. Being different is not bad as long as you stood to the challenge.

  4. Ellen Creech

    thinking differently with good facts and ideas is a good way to prove others wrong. Since you will be able to establish a dominant aspect of your knowledge if you know were to stand. And being different is not always something to judge but sometimes to appreciate and admire.

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