Choices, What Choices?

Politicians, Marketing Specialists, Broadcasters, Retailers, Hospitality and Leisure Companies will, I have no doubt, a) tell you that we the paying public have never had so many choices, and b) …

How Much Do We Really Know?

When is knowledge enough to be useful or enough to be dangerous? I have been asking myself that more and more these days. As I flick through the RSS feeds …

Nikon v Canon

I know that we had a lighthearted exchange of views over Canon v Nikon in one of the recent posts, so I thought that this article on MacWorld may be …

5 Photo Apps

To understand this article you need to understand my approach to photography, and what I am aiming to achieve. I have little doubt that everyone has different objectives, priorities, reasons …

Stumbleupon or Digg?

First up an advance warning – I am really after your participation through this post! I have never really got into digg. In the past I have had days when …

BackUp Strategy

I have been mulling over the ‘best’ backup strategy now that we have Time Machine and really cheap storage to hand. I have a sneaky feeling that a lot of …

Beer after sport

Sounds great, but not 100% convinced, but according to the Daily Telegraph a beer after playing a game of football, a long run, or a strenuous round of golf can …

iPhone Reflections

As you know the iPhone eventually arrived and I have used it for 5 days now, so I thought I would share my opening pictures and initial thoughts. If you …

5 Apps for blogging

From time to time I get asked what applications I use most on a day to day basis. That is a really tough question as my ‘day to day’ changes …

Considering an iPhone!

Never thought I would be writing this, but I am actually considering an iPhone now that the iPhoneSIMFree is available on line for $50. Let me explain myself before you …

New Movie Workflow

Another question from Wayne. Wayne’s Story OK, currently, my workflow for a new movie or TV show is this: I convert into a mp4 h.264 file. This is for iTunes, …

Dual Screen Debate

It seems that everywhere I turn at the moment I am either being asked about the merits of a dual screen set up, or having 30″ display rammed down my …

Dear Steve ……….

Dear Steve Let me begin by adding my congratulations to the multitude on both an amazing product (I am talking about the iPhone in case you couldn’t guess) and a …

One More Thing

This year I have slowly being setting up the network and technology around the apartment. It all started with the hope that I would be able to mirror the Mac …