Home Alone

Just back from dropping Sands at the airport as she is off to the UK for a week, which means I am ‘home alone’ for the week. Nothing particularly interesting …

The Wife

Married in 1992, Sandra is the island of sanity in my world. She has a tolerance towards me that is beyond belief. Happily she enjoys the use of technology but …

The Cats

Meet the Gang! We have adopted 6 cats to share our life with us here in Spain! To be more accurate we have been adopted by them as they really …

Yes, No, Maybe

Happy New Year. I send you these greetings once again from the elevated position of ‘being on the Wagon’! Once more it will be a dry January for me: the …

Saidi Anniversary & Birthday

Saidi is seven today, but more importantly she will have been with us four years today, as she spent the first three years of her life out on the street …

24 Years And Counting

So another year starts. For me that means another alcohol free month as for the 24th year in a row I have given up booze for the month of January. …

Dusky: House Guest

Found this little chap abandoned on the beach a couple of nights ago. Sands carried him home and he didn’t stop purring, although that changed once we got him home …

Back In The Saddle

Has been pretty quiet on this site for a while, in fact for far too long! Many reasons that I won’t bore you with but over the last twelve months …

Heading Back To The UK Again

Has been VERY quiet on the blog front for a while. Keep feeling inspired then can’t get focussed!!! Have had my parents with me for a few weeks and I …

Happy Birthday Sands XXX

Today is Sands Birthday, so happy birthday Sands XX She was out with some girl friends yesterday, so today we are going to do nothing, a late brunch, then watch …

New Blog Theme

Yes, this is a new blog theme! I was really happy with the old one, but it had started to feel a little dated, and as it was written around …

What I Tweeted This Week

Am wondering if 2.5 hours is record to have a cat asleep on your knee? # @Toni_GPB yep but she jumped up and had some food in reply to Toni_GPB …