Video Cast

A very brief and personal note to ‘announce’ that I have now made my first venture into the world of video casting.

Don’t worry – nothing to do with Macs, or even technology. Not even to do with Moreno!!! This is a video cast that I am establishing to ‘support’ the Almerimar Life site that I run. It is very low tech (at the moment) and is just a way of sharing some information about life here in Almerimar visually.

Anyway if you want to check it out you can here. We are even in iTunes now as well!

5 thoughts on “Video Cast

  1. Danny

    Good to see you venturing out into this field Chris, even if in a small way. Another string added to the bow 😀

  2. Mac Sokulski

    Must be nice to have all that time 🙂
    Since you are venturing into the video area, you should do a tour of the town.

  3. Chris Marshall Post author

    @Danny: one small step etc. Of course it means I need a better Camcorder now of course.

    @Mac: that’s the plan, maybe not one big video but I certainly want to show Almerimar off.

  4. Gary

    The town tour sounds like a good idea – in bite-sized chunks, definitely not a single big video… (At least, not for distribution over the web.)

    PS watch out for reflections!! At least we know now that you’re undoubtedly not a vampire 🙂

  5. Chris Marshall Post author

    I don’t envisage any of the moview been over 3 minutes long or so, the whole essence of that blog is lots of short sharp bits of information.

    I now have it accepted in iTunes and have a new logo pretty much sorted out ……. and I am now a podcaster as well with the first AlmerimarLife podcast up and accepted in iTunes as well 🙂

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