
I have had this site pointed out to me as yet another great site to host your pictures. What makes it so attractive is that they are currently giving away free Pro accounts (for a year).

So it may be worth you taking a look. I am a big fan of Flickr so have no plans to switch, but it is always good to have alternatives to keep everybody on their toes!

To get a free pro account all you have to do is upload a picture and link to it from your blog, so here is a link to test that theory out.

6 thoughts on “Zooomr.com

  1. Peter

    I am having an awful time looking for the free upgrade to the Pro account. Can you be any help?

  2. Adam Teece

    I have been using Zooomr for a while now and really like them. You can see the images I host on Zooomr on my latest blog post on my site if you want to see what their embed code looks like.

  3. MyAppleStuff Post author

    Peter – once you have uploaded your first picture double click on it and you will see in the tp left just above the picture a magnifying glass that says All Sizes. Click on this and then at the bottom of the screen is the URL and/or html that you need to add to your blog to qualify for a Pro account.

    Hope that helps.

  4. MyAppleStuff Post author

    Adam – I like it thanks. I had the same thing happen to me with a cable that I had ordered with my Mac mini, huge box, lots of anticipation 🙂

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