Almerimar Apartment

Since moving back to the UK we have regularly been asked if we would rent out the apartment. This was not an option until recently as we had left it …

Mid Winter Break

I am off to Almerimar today for a week. The plan was that it would be a mid winter break from the rehab and fitness and an opportunity to enjoy …

Reboot Into Summer Mode

July is just around the corner and Summer has well and truly arrived here in Spain, the weather that is not the tourists thankfully – they will arrive in another …

Summer Has Started!

A walk on the beach, breakfast on the terrace, and now catching some early morning sun up on the roof. Me? Nope, that would be the dogs Teo & Tigra …

Mountain Bike (Video)

I haven’t been exactly prolific with the Go Pro Hero 3 or indeed the Corratec X-Vert Motion 2013 off road bike, but I have settled on a circuit through the …

The iPhone in Spain

After my discussions with Tim over the months regards the iPhone and the way Spain approaches technology I thought this was pretty interesting! To date, only 36 iPhones (Apples fancy …