A Fine Balance

I have just finished A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry, and I have a whole range of thoughts and emotions going through my mind.

This is one of the best books that I have ever read, which is all the more surprising given that I really wasn’t that interested in when I first picked it up (continuing my approach of reading anything and everything that comes to hand), and the initial pages didn’t grab me at all.

Unbelievably depressing it also managed to make me feel angry at the way people treat people, but also filed me with admiration for how people cope. A truly tremendous insight into the human sole and the characters are a joy to spend time with as you live through their ups and downs – and trust me I use the word ‘up’ in a purely relative sense, their ‘ups’ are enough to depress all of us.

If you get a chance read it – I don’t think you will regret it at all!

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