A little later than initially planned, but CastCount V1.1 will be launched VERY soon.
The two main additions in this version are a significantly speeded up performance when checking your iTunes library, and the ability to start an episode playing from the individual menus in the menu bar.
As you can see you can build a separate menu for your four favourite ‘casts, and it will show only the new ‘casts, but please note unfortunately the only way to get a true read of the unplayed status of a podcast is through the music library xml file, and iTunes only updates this every so often, so it may be that there is a delay in seeing this update.
The dock icon remains the same, although there are now more iPod icons to chose from.
At the time of the original launch I said “On the 1st February 2007 there will be a new version released, Version 1.1. This will cost $12. For anybody that has bought the $5 Version 1.0 the upgrade will be free, as will all subsequent upgrades. BUT for anybody that only has the MacAppADay version, Version 1.1 will be available for one month for $8. This price will be available for one month only, so from the 1st March 2007 anybody wanting an upgradeable version will need to purchase Version 1.1 for $12”
I am a little late with this release, for which I apologise. I am going to make the price $8 for the rest of February and then $12 from the 1st March