Choices, Choices

More from Wayne and his ‘casting and blogging experiences

So I’ve been using WordPress as my web site of choice. It has not only been everything I’ve wanted it to be, there are far more choices to input information than even I realized. That’s the rub when using iWeb for a web site/blog. Every thing you add, you need to open iWeb, construct a new page or blog item, then finally publish the whole site all over again. It can become quite taxing for doing short blurbs or articles. I find that iWeb works great for our family site. Very easy to navigate and really make the page look just how you’d like it too. Unfortunately, I don’t update the blog portion of the site as often as I’d like, simply for the fact that it’s such a chore for such a small job. RapidWeaver, though another great program and good blogging features, same thing.

So how easy is it to post to a WordPress site? Extremely! For instance, the quickest and most accessible way is through your browser. That means you can post whenever you like, whenever you like, from any computer you like as long as it’s connected to the internet. I say that because sometimes it just might not be possible to be on a connection. If your on a laptop at 32,000 feet and an idea hits you, it’s not going to be easy to pull up your WordPress site.

How else can you get your posts posted on your website. As I found out, there are many, many ways. My way of choice is an application called MacJournal. It is technically a journalling software that I use for pretty much everything. You can have many “journals” in your side-panel. I have a journal that I use for…journalling! Writing down bits of life that I come across to archive that I may forget in the near future. I have another journal that I use for blogging. After I complete a blog entry, I simply select >entry>share>send to blog. It automatically connects to the blog of your choice and uploads the entry. It then asks for a pre–selected category to place the entry under, and away it goes. You have several choices in MacJournal, including getting all blog entries and even .Mac synchronization and uploading. Other “journals” I keep are Reviews for the magazine and this column, which I simply choose >entry>share>e-mail and it automatically gets sent to Chris via e–mail! What could be easier?

What could be easier? Glad you asked. There are other various ways of entering blog posts and even copying other blogs into your blog. One of those is a fairly new social web browser called Flock. It is based on the Mozilla browser foundation, and not only makes it easy to post blogs, but also hooks straight into Flickr for photos. Usually, any time Firefox is updated, so is Flock. The browser integrates blog posts, photo posts and viewing and even an easy to use RSS reader. It’s truly a “web 2.0” application.

There are, of course, other ways to import new blog entries, but these are the ones I use the most. Hopefully these will help you out too.

3 thoughts on “Choices, Choices

  1. wingnut


    Very interesting this sounds like just the application I need for remote posting and collecting of all bits the pieces we find on our internet travels. I too have just started to use wordpress and I am developing my own blog. Flock is just the thing I was looking for.

  2. Wayne LeFevre

    Glad to help. I’ve been using Flock off and on since seeing a screen cast on it from Don McAllister’s ScreenCastOnline series.

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