I have just finished and submitted the 17,500 word, 46 page report that I have written evaluating the potential markets and feasibility for a new product concept for a US based company.
This is very much in the ‘day job‘ category and is something that I am particularly interested in:
a) As the problem it would address and the technologies it would involve personally interest me, and
b) I see it very much as unfinished business! Two years ago I got together the two principle investors and partners for a company I was consulting to, along with two potential investors and equity partners. In a meeting in New York they reached agreement to move forward on a very similar concept, only for one of the principle investors and partners to do an abrupt, unprofessional and rude about turn the next day. It let a lot of people down, and a number of people where financially out of pocket as a result, so I am particularly keen to see if we can make this current concept work.
This is by far the largest report I have written for some time, and certainly the largest I have produced on a Mac, and I have found it a very rewarding experience.
One reason for this has been Scrivener which has made the process of capturing the research, drafting the sections, highlighting changes and recoding reminders really easy. Unfortunately the final draft needed to be in Word, but at least that is a more pleasant experience on the Mac than a Windows PC.
So with the report finished, the new design for the site up and running, and a really great weather forecast for the weekend I plan to chill out, catch some sun, and spend some time with Sands and Moreno. Hopefully we will get out and take some pictures over the weekend for the Almerimar Life blog as well.
Next week I will post some reviews on some really good applications and products that I have been looking at but have not had the time to write up. I will look at the suggestions made already regards the font on this site, and I will hopefully buy and install the flat screen TV for Sands – phew, am exhausted just thinking about it all.
I won a copy of Mellel II in the Mac giftaway. I then I got another copy courtesy of the Mac Pak.
So far I have been really impressed with it.
Worth considering… as an alternative to Mr Softy’s Word.
Yep – Mellel II is a good application 🙂
Wow, that’s a heck of a report. When exactly did you do all of this?? Do you sleep? Well, good job.
Speaking of the flat screen, I’ve purchased the new TCO book on TVs. Haven’t read it yet, though, but it might have some ideas for you.
So is a “Shout” like a comment only louder?
[quote comment=”6263″]Wow, that’s a heck of a report. When exactly did you do all of this?? Do you sleep? Well, good job.
Speaking of the flat screen, I’ve purchased the new TCO book on TVs. Haven’t read it yet, though, but it might have some ideas for you.
So is a “Shout” like a comment only louder?[/quote]
Life certainly has got busier!!!
Yes a shout is a comment that really deserves to be heard 🙂