Cricket 2025

Have had a pretty good off season. There are still a few areas of the body requiring rehab with the neck/right shoulder been the main one, and the left glute/hamstring being the other.

The neck/shoulder is so much better, and is primarily a case of a lot of stretching now and some general strength work as the issue is one of realignment and posture. It is going well and once warmed up properly I can bowl pretty much pain free and actual throw properly. Good signs but I need to get to the point where it all works without excessive stretching first, and stiffness and pain afterwards!

The left glute and hamstring are pretty much sorted and whilst a little more rehab is required they basically now just need to be used.

I am now running pretty much pain free: regular ‘sprints’ in the nets, and 2km on the treadmill, with some indoor bike work as well. As I move into pre season work this will increase significantly along with some general strength work and a serious amount of weight loss.

The indoor nets have been going really well from both a batting and coaching perspective, and with the introduction of a second weekly net I will now start to bowl.

I have completed all the modules for my Level 3 Coaching, and it has been an excellent course and really helped with the structuring of the winter nets, some 1:1 coaching, and my own game and fitness.

Coaching is something I will do more of in the future but whilst I am still playing it will only be a post and pre season activity as I want to focus on playing during the season, along with golf and my new hobby/obsession ….. shooting!

I might take up a few requests to mentor during the season, and a recent request to consult alongside an existing coach has merit, but a regular coaching role at club level holds no appeal at this time: I simply don’t have the capacity to commmit to anything other than playing regularly.

I have archived and avoided all the cricket WhatsApp Groups as I only have the energy (and interest) in developing my own game and NBCC. I accept this is somewhat selfish, but it is by design: there are a lot of non cricket things in my life I need and want to concentrate on, and I am not interested in any leadership or committee role as done enough of that in the past. Socially I have never been a group person, I see the people I want to see in an environment I enjoy.

Talking to a few people I think this is also an element of the ‘old school’ in me: I basically just need to be able to make myself available and find out if selected. If playing, great, will catch up socially at the game, if not then no problem are plenty of other things to do. Let’s face it though: I am not a great club or social person!

Unlike previous off and pre seasons I have not been distracted by my own plans for the season ahead, as they are totally clear:

Nets: wont be doing any club nets as the Winter Nets have reinforced how much better small group nets and 1:1 training is as opposed to a 10 minute unstructured thrash and hanging around in a group waiting to bowl. I have two nets a week at Edgbaston until the end of March to develop my game and then during the season will stay away from nets and concentrate on a few throw downs before a game.

Staffs Seniors: establishing myself in the 60s First XI is my priority and main focus, and when required I will play for them. If not selected I will play golf, or go shooting as I am most certainly of the age (and personality) where I only want to do the things I enjoy. My role is clearly defined, but dependent on the state of the game and the focus will be on injecting momentum into the game with bat, ball or in the field.

Church Eaton: I want to play a full league season on Saturday’s for them, but probably not on a Sunday (see below). Realistically I probably need to play as either a batter or bowler and save the legs in the field, so am happy to play when required for whichever team. No leadership role as I am too old to be looking to build much these days and NBCC gets all of my energy in that regard. If not selected will play golf or go shooting.

NBCC: we have plans to play around 8 to 12 games this season on a Sunday which will be competitive games against established teams as part of our work to help players move into (and progress in) League Cricket. In addition I still intend to help the causes we support put out Social Teams, but I very much see this as me helping make up the numbers so others get a game, so am not bothered if not required to bat or bowl. When we don’t have a game I will …. spend time with family as between cricket, golf and shooting I spend more than enough time away from them.

It is important this season to establish a level and volume of cricket that doesn’t over stretch the old body, allows time for family and other interests, and I can maintain for a few years yet!

So unfortunately …. no XL games, mainly because I can’t commit to anything else mid week, but also because I am too old! I don’t need more games where I only bowl a few overs, and have to be hidden in the field because we are playing a team of school children, and my teammates are all much younger than me, and no Graces games as they are just too far away and I can’t justify travelling that far to make up the numbers.

There are a couple of causes that I will continue to turn out for if required AND the travel isn’t too far, but I do have to be sensible!

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