Dry January #38

Today I start my 38th consecutive ´dry January´, and whilst I don’t plan to match my ´best´of two years, I am looking to turn back the clock to the first years and run every evening! It is also the start of my second year as a Vegan, and I am going to be looking to improve my diet in general as the focus this last year was on making it as easy as possible to be vegan.

I am also planning on a dry 3 months, with the exception of two trips to Spain in February and April, where it is hard enough been vegan (strike that is VERY hard) so will allow myself a few drinks as the general idea is that the trips are a break from what needs to be a pretty tough three months of rehab (right shoulder and left hamstring), fitness (running, cycling and general strengthening of upper body) and weight loss (minimum of 5kg, longer term looking at another 5kg but doubt will get that done before the season starts).

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