Happy Birthday Hollie

Hollie is thirteen (13) years old today. She is such a lovely old girl: wants to say hello to everyone when out for a walk and when she ‘gives you the eyes’ there is no avoiding her. She has coped amazingly well with her damaged paw which is still not fully fixed, but she has a full and active life so we decided long ago to let it be. She needs a bandage on it when she goes out for a walk, but in all probability she would have done anyway to protect it.

At home she loves her food, the sofa and her the garden but more than anything she loves to clamber up on the bed in the morning and lie between us having a cuddle.

The day hasn’t truly started until I have had a Hollie Hug and Lick!

Just passing time with Marti in the garden.
Loves the garden
The eyes! and the lovely face!

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