iPhone Update 2, & Stephen Fry

I received an email from David Day who listens to the MacReviewCast and had picked up on the iPhone debate some time ago.

It looks like my logic struck a cord with him as over the weekend he purchased a iPhone off eBay in the UK and has unlocked it to work with his existing Vodaphone contract. David has recommended this site for some every clear instructions on unlocking the iPhone. In addition he passed on a few tips:

Don’t open the SIM tray until told to (towards the end of the tutorial) you then put your SIM card in at this stage. I just worked through step by step and found it very straightforward, although I did have a problem with Jailbreak, I think this was because I was using an old iPod cable to connect it to my mac, as soon as I used the proper cable/dock that came with the iPhone Jailbreak worked fine.

You DO need to know the iPhones IP Address but even this is easily found in the settings page on the iPhone (that is all in the tutorial) it’s probably the most easy to follow tutorial I’ve ever seen.

This all sounds very positive!

On a slightly different note, but still related to the iPhone anyone that knows Stephen Fry will know he is not only a very clever and funny man, but he is a die hard Mac addict – he bought the second ever Mac to be sold in the UK. Anyway over on MacWorld UK they talk about a really good article he has written, comparing various Smartphones and making some suggestions as to how they could improve the iPhone.

The review is a really good read, as you will be able to tell from these quotes:

Everything else in the iPhone lives up to, even surpasses the hype. Another triumph for Jonathan Ive and his design team, Apple has made a wholly desirable and beautiful object. Only a cross and silly person would pretend to be unimpressed or make claims of parity about their O2 xda Trion or similar lumpen beast.”

“All the big guns want an iPhone killer. Even I, mad for all things Apple as I am, want an iPhone killer. I want smart digital devices to be as good as mankind’s ingenuity can make them. I want us eternally to strive to improve and surprise. Bring on the iPhone killers. Bring them on,”

You will gather that Mac fan that he is, he has a few less than complimentary things to say:

  • slams the iPhone for only supporting server-side applications, pointing out that closed environments aren’t the future for the technology industry.
  • criticises Apple for insisting iPhone owners purchase and download ringtones for their devices, isn’t impressed with the Mail app, and is anxious for a 3G version of the iPhone because EDGE support in the UK is extremely limited.

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