Update: the iPhone is unlocked! There were a couple of minor issues relating to unclear instructions and an omitted bit of detail but all sorted. At the moment the iPhone is recognising the new SIM card but saying no service which could be either the lack of reception in its current state or the fact that for some totally weird reason AT&T pre paid cards need to be matched to the IMEI number of the phone and it is taking a couple of hours to get through the system.
Either way the fact that the new card is saying No Service indicates it is working, so tomorrow it should be in the post and heading over here!
Thanks to all that helped, and to everyone that volunteered to take a look at it and test it out for me before I got it sent here!
By way of a follow up to yesterdays attempts at scare mongering from Apple, the guys over at iPhone Development Team came out with this statement:
Based on download numbers, the iPhone Dev Team believes that, worldwide, several hundred thousand people have unlocked their iPhones. That number continues growing every day. The removal of the lock, a bug, was a major step forward in the iPhone development. It made the iPhone free and useful to anyone, not only to those in certain countries.
Apple now announces that the next firmware update, expected later this week, will possibly break the handset of all of us free users in the World. It speaks of “damage� done to the firmware and “unauthorized access� to our own property, The removal of those firmware problems, which were built in in favor for AT&T, does not cause “damage� as they want to make us believe.
We will provide you with a tool in the next week which will be able to recover your nck counter and seczones and even enables you to restore your phone to a Factory-like state.
In the meantime we advise you not to update your free iPhone with the upcoming firmware. Wait for the next version to be fixed to work properly with your carrier and not break your phone.
No worries then!
As for my own iPhone. As of last night it was at the local Fed-Ex center so fingers crossed should be turning up later today!!!
As for the method I am going to use this one is the current favorite I think. I have a question I still need to resolve though and that is around the IP step. If this is done by a third party do I need to enter my IP details when I get the phone?