Keynote Animations


Keynote Animations costs $45 and is a fun and easy way to add “the magic motion to your presentations and set the mood.”

To be honest I have very little need for Keynote. In fact iWorks 08 is the first time that I have ever looked at it, and that is only because there is a vague chance I may need to create some presentations within the next 12 months.

It is probably easier if I just share with you what they say about themselves on their site, and then tell you what I found, as I am no Keynote expert and at this stage I have only really explored what Keynote Animations can do rather than create anything specific.

Apologies if this seems a bit of a ‘cop out’ but I really don’t want to sell them short by missing out a feature that I have missed.

Express yourself through motion

Catch the eyes of the audience with motion, communicate the message with moving pictures, outshine you competitors with outstanding presentations – now it‘s all possible with high-quality entertaining animations. Jumsoft presents you the newest bigger and brighter animations Keynote Animations 5.0 for any occasion in life. 180 animations in Animations 5.0 will add the magic motion to your presentations and set the mood. Jumsoft offers you 30 new animated possibilities to express yourself.

Let your creativity boost

They are fast and… well, maybe cheerful rather than furious. QuickTime provides the animation with the highest speed. The animated pictures have no backgrounds and are easy to work with embedding them into presentations. It has never been so easy to position, blend, mix, overlay, underlay and much more with Jumsoft presenting high-quality animations in separate layers. Say goodbye to complicated process and enjoy the fun of creating.

It’s easy to work up magic

By downloading Jumsoft’s Keynote Animations 5.0 you are one step closer to real action in your presentations. Four easy steps and you’re ahead of others. Install, select the animated picture you enjoy best, move it to the chosen slide and choose Loop in Keynote’s QuicTime panel for the action to begin. It’s easy, it’s fast, it’s endless action.

Animated texts not a question anymore

Actually, Keynote Animations 5.0 has even more to offer than a better appearance of your presentations. Keynote Animations 5.0 is compatible with all Keynote and Pages. Since Pages comes with full QuickTime support it’ now a snap to make your text files jumping, flying or burning with fireworks. Grab the attention of your reader and hold it for as long as you want. The animated text will be more exciting to read and your message will surely be delivered.

Movies sizzling with animated action

You even can use Keynote Animations 5.0 with movie editing applications such as Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Express and Motion. And just in case if you’re forced to be using PC, stand out of the crowd. Microsoft’s PowerPoint doesn’t support movie transparencies, but you can use a trick. Export your Keynote presentation as a movie and play it on PC with QuickTime. Be unique amongst the grey masses.

Something for all occasions

If you look over 180 animated pictures, you’ll see that Jumsoft has thought of every occasion you could spice up with some action. Every subject can become more interesting when using animation be it law, business, science, education, engineering, leisure or any other. The most difficult part is making up your mind which animation to choose as all the high-quality animated pictures have some spark in them.

From roses bloom till explosions boom

What can be more exciting than to watch a rose grow out of your text or presentation? See your presentations bloom with fireworks, insert whole galaxies into your documents, see your presentation snow or flood with water bubbles – find all four elements of water, earth, air and fire in Keynotes Animation 5.0. But it’s not enough. Use animated punctuation such as the question mark of the exclamation point. They will definitely turn attention to what you have to say. Create explosions and use light effects, see the planes flying and butterflies fluttering all over the documents. Puzzle your audience with Rubik’s Cube. And if you’re lost – use a compass or seek where the wind blows with a weathercock.


Right, so what did I think? Well as a novice Keynote user I had no problem at all with the set up and understanding how they worked. I may be easily impressed but I really liked them and found more than enough that I would be happy (and able) to use with what I was planning to do, which I reckon is a pretty important aspect of a ‘preset’ type add on. I felt that they were very professionally created, and integrated very well into the Keynote application.

So you see, I liked them! I have no idea if you would have any use for them, but if after reading the above information you have, then I can vouch for the fact that they are good quality, creative, and easy to use. They are also compatible with both versions of Keynote.


8 thoughts on “Keynote Animations

  1. Mac Sokulski

    These look really well done. I can see how they could really spice up the usually boring presentations. I can’t see myself using them, as I don’t do presentations, and I can’t remember if I ever opened keynote. On the other hand I always found static presentations boring and uninformative. So I can see how these would make things a lot better.

  2. Dunks

    Hmm, mixed feelings on this one. Some of the stuff looks really good – mainly the images. However I would possibly spend time on sites like Stock Exchange looking for creative commons images rather than pay out.

    I do a lot of presentations teaching and tend to find the students/staff are ‘wowed’ enough by the keynote animations/transitions as they are stuck with powerpoint xp at present and there is just no comparison.

    On the subject of presentations, I found some interesting info on Merlin Mann’s 43 Folders regarding presentations – in particular some of the links he cites.

    His post is here

  3. Chris Marshall Post author

    Merlin has some pretty good tips. I used to teach sales people how to present, and I would certainly have found Keynote interesting then!

    One thing I always found and was continually preaching about was to KISS. I find that people get carried away and add far too many cool things and forget about the content, and end up distracting the audience from the core message.

  4. Dunks

    Agree with that – currently trying to get 17/18 year olds to produce ‘business like’ and ‘professional’ looking presentations as part of their A-Level course. What I see is awful default Powerpoint themes, inconsistent use of too may ‘effects’ and too much information on a slide.

    I use the KISS principle with them and have started using the link to Merlin’s blog and a couple of the links he cites as exemplars.

    Starting to see progress in their work but boy is it an uphill struggle!!

  5. Chris Marshall Post author

    Is the 5 +/- 2 ‘rule’ still around?

    Never less than 3 points, never more than 7, and 5 is the optimal that a brain will process at any one time.

  6. Dunks

    Thats very useful Chris, thanks for that.

    I have heard of a 10-20-30 rule. 10 Slides, 20-30minutes.

    The main site I’m trawling through at present is: Garr Reynolds site.

    He also has an interesting article on his blog comparing Bill Gates & Steve Jobs!!

  7. Chris Marshall Post author

    That’s a good site. I funny how now there are whole sites dedicated to presentation skills whereas when I was a lad you were lucky to get a photocopied manual!

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