Mac Gear Photo Competition

I have mentioned this before but Tim has just written an article on it so it was a good chance to remind you.

Last week on the podcast (Shownotes) one of the things that I discussed with Chris was a mini competition we want to run for all you Mac Fanatics out there. For those of you that don’t know Chris he contributes a weekly segment to my podcast from Spain, and reviews software for me over here at The Mac ReviewCast. He also has his own site where he reviews a lot of software, books and products related to the Mac, and at the same time he blogs about his own experiences and adventures in the Mac world.

Like me he is a big fan of pretty much everything Apple and he has set up a Flickr site where he is capturing as many of your pictures as possible. You can even see my set-up on the site along with a few of my fellow podcasters.

Last week we asked that you send in your pictures of the Mac stuff you got over the holidays or after MacWorld along with a brief description of what you like about the picture, your Mac and your initial experiences with the Mac community. All of these pictures will be posted on Flickr at at the end of January. Mark from The MacNurse, Chris and myself will get together and agree on the best picture. The lucky entry will get a copy of Version 1.1 of CastCount, a free years subscription to the new MyMacGames that Mark is launching, and a guest slot on my podcast to discuss your Mac and experiences to date.

You can submit pictures via MyAppleStuff or by emailing Chris.

I look forward to hearing to seeing all your pictures

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