Photo Stuff That Caught My Eye – 19/02

As I am doing a lot of reading as part of my search for a DSLR I thought I would start to share interesting photo stuff that I come across.

So last week this stuff caught my eye:

I enjoy the digital Photography School blog so their blog of thew week ottok is worth taking a look at.

Beyond JPEG is an interesting article on JPEG 2000.

I particularly liked this picture of the Teton Mountains.

There was a nice tip on enhancing your pictures via the use of converging lines that was ‘food for thought’

If you want a smile then this article had some very funny poses that people have taken to capture that ‘perfect moment’

I am a big fan of Black & White photography so found this article interesting for a number of reasons. The comments are pretty good.

And finally, for those that use a Nikon, a Mac and Capture NX the fact that it has gone universal will be of interest.

2 thoughts on “Photo Stuff That Caught My Eye – 19/02

  1. wingnut


    Don’t know if you aware of this guy, but he turns up a lot on iLifeZone Podcast (it’s very good) amongst others. He is a photographer by trade I think.

    There is the link. He has written a few books on the subject for O’Reilly.

    Hope this is of use.


  2. MyAppleStuff Post author

    Great – like the site. Downloading his ‘casts now 🙂

    Anybody that takes pictures of cats is OK by me!!!

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