Problem Updating 1G Shuffle

Wow this is frustrating:


I am repeatedly getting this error message on both the Mac mini and the iMac when I try and update both of the 1G iPod Shuffles.

I have checked the Apple forums and there is nothing new there. I have restarted both the Mac and iTunes with just the Shuffle attached i.e. none of the other iPod’s, and I have even tried to restore them to their original settings and I still get this message!

The update for my wife’s iPod mini went through with no problems yesterday, which just makes this all the more puzzling and frustrating.

4 thoughts on “Problem Updating 1G Shuffle

  1. MyAppleStuff Post author

    Well I finally got this sorted – but I don’t know how really. Basically I tried my shuffle on my PowerBook and it worked ok. I then tried my wifes on the PowerBook and it failed, but 3 days later having tried hers again several times on her iMac I tried it again on the PowerBook and it worked.

  2. Bill Kreder

    Lost first shuffle. New shuffle “need to upgrade to 7.2 or better” Go to free Apple upgrade site, click on free upgrade. After a short while, I’m told the upgrade was successful. Plug in shuffle and get same request. I’ve reset shuffle, but am fearful of uninstalling and reinstalling itunes. I can’t seem to be able to install 7.2. Any ideas. Thanks Bill Kreder

  3. Chris Marshall Post author

    I think the first thing you need to do is get upgraded to the latest iTunes 7.4.2.

    Then I would connect the Shuffle and restore it.

    Let me know how it goes.

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