Is the seventh week of the Regular Reader interviews are we get to learn a little about Matthew Hollingsworth
1. As this blog covers a lot of Mac related products what was your first Apple product that you bought?
The first Apple product I actually bought was an eMac G3 used on eBay about 3 years ago. However, I have been admiring and using Macs ever since 1985 when my friend got the original Mac and invited me over to play with it. We enjoyed drawing circles in MacPaint and filling them with various shaded cross-hatch patterns after school and every once in a while using MacWrite to do something school-related in the standard helvetica font.
2. On a similar theme, but moving forward what will be the next Apple product that you buy?
I hope the next Apple product I buy is an iPhone. I don’t have the money for one at the moment, but after my initial skepticism-turned-excitement-turned-doubt-turned-even-more-excitement, I really do want one. I’m saving for the 8G, and currently have only $600 more to go to get on
3. Do you have an all time favourite Apple product or Mac application?
If I stick only to the thing that has given me the most enjoyment, usefulness or satisfaction on my Mac, I’d have to say that Aperture is my favorite application. I use it as often as I pick up a camera – which is not every day but it should be – and I constantly benefit from its editing and organizational abilities
4. The blog also covers other subjects, so do you have any specific interests or hobbies that keep you busy?
I’d like to see more about video – video cameras, video apps, Final Cut, Final Cut Express, comparison of video uploading / sharing / streaming / publishing services, etc.
5. What would be your all time favourite technology gadget?
So far it’s the iPod. However, I hope it will soon be the iPhone (see #2).
6. How do you pay the bills, or if you are studying what are your future plans to pay the bills?
I use online banking and electronic transfers wherever I can. If you’re wondering how the money gets into my bank account, I eagerly await a paycheck fortnightly (see, I can speak British) from a large telecommunication and networking infrastructure vendor. I am currently working in R&D for said company, doing various things involving budget, strategy and operations
7. What three words or phrases would your friends use to describe you?
“you look like that guy on Cash Cab”, “Matt who?”, “intelligent”
8. Anything else you want to share with us?
My current ambition is to become a full-time writer and photographer. I’m inching ever-so-slowly towards that goal every day, but am sometimes discouraged by my lack of progress. I’m not giving up, though.
About These Interviews
A significant attraction for me in blogging is the ‘community’ that it creates. I am never going to be ‘up there’ with the young bloggers – I am not going to be that attractive to your average teenage blog reader, I actually don’t want to be as I find a lot of the stuff that interests them remarkably shallow and insipid, and I am perfectly happy with the slightly more mature (mentally and/or physically) reader that I attract.
I have ‘met’ some great people through the blog, some I communicate with daily, others much less frequently, but collectively they add to the enjoyment and satisfaction I get from blogging.
This series of interviews is a way of you getting to know each other better, and hopefully attract more of you to participate in the blog. I know there are a lot more of you out there that read the site regularly but don’t comment. That is your right of course, but trust me there are a really great bunch of readers around that I am sure you would get on with.
If you want to be included in this series please just email me either with your answers to these 8 questions or with any questions you may have.
And finally, thanks to all the readers who have participated in this series, and thanks to all of you for reading. I will do a long post at the end of the series with all the interviews so you can catch up easily on any that you miss, or get a great overview of some of the common answers, and some of the wildly different answers!
I used to love looking at the eMac G3’s. They were the first apple computers i saw. I keep seeing them on eBay and if a cheap one turned up locally I’d love one to tinker with.