Safari 3 Support Comes to 1Passwd

As it isn’t that long since I reviewed 1Passwd, I thought I would point out this Press Release that I received yesterday – seems like a pretty impressive response!

Press Release

Toronto (Ontario, Canada) – Agile Web Solutions Inc. today announced an upgrade to 1Passwd – the only password manager with anti-phishing protection and automatic form filling for Mac OS X. This new release adds support for Apple’s new Safari 3.0 web browser. This upgrade is free to all 1Passwd customers.

Safari 3.0 Support

The new beta version of the popular web browser was announced by Steve Jobs at WWDC on Monday. The interest to the new version of Safari was so high that within the first hour of being announced by Apple’s CEO, Agile Web Solutions received hundreds of messages from 1Passwd users clamoring for integration with their favorite browser. This new release of 1Passwd adds support for Safari 3.0 while continuing to support the previous version.

What is 1Passwd?

– The most widely used password manager for Mac (according to MacUpdate, VersionTracker and iUseThis websites).
– The only password manager with integrated Anti-Phishing technology.
– Automatic form filler with support for credit cards and multiple identities.

3 thoughts on “Safari 3 Support Comes to 1Passwd

  1. Wayne LeFevre

    Dave went way above and beyond on this one! To so quickly put in this support while still attending WWDC, I wonder when they had time? Good show, anyway.

  2. Darren Rolfe

    These guys really put the hours in to developing the product.
    Out of all the apps I run, these guys are by far the most regular in my inbox with updates.

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