Today is Sands birthday! I am not allowed to say how old she is, but I will tell you that she looks great. Not just for her age, she just looks great full stop!
Am not sure if this is sad or not but we have sort of stopped giving each other presents ‘just because’ it is a birthday. Over recent years we have started to just give each other time, so today we will do exactly what Sands wants to do. Neither of us will spend time on the Mac’s!!
So today we are going to have some breakfast on the roof and play with Moreno. Then Sands and I are going to take the Harley and pop into El Ejido to the market and buy some fillet steak off the butcher, grab a coffee in one of the squares and then come back and have a really nice lunch and a bottle of wine at home.
The plan is then to walk down to the marina via the beach, and grab a dessert and a drink in one of the bars – probably La Plaza as Heather makes homemade desserts that Sands is keen to try.
No doubt we will grab a siesta with Moreno when we get back and then watch a movie.
I was going to get Sands a new Nano but at the moment she isn’t sure that she wants one. She is waiting to see if they bring out any new Nike+ clothing, and even then she isn’t sure as she feels (probably correctly) that she will be able to pick up a load of the current style cheaply. Her view seems to be that as the Nano currently spends most of its life in some pouch or other when she is running why get a new one? She doesn’t really watch videos that much, and although it makes sense to be able to show off the AlmerimarLife ones she can use the 5G iPod for that, or maybe even get a iPod Touch which I actually think makes more sense for her – sell the iPod Mini, keep the iPod Nano just for running and get the 8GB iPod Touch for travel, pictures and video.
But all that can wait until another day – right now I have a date with my wife, see you all tomorrow!
Happy birthday! – All the Nike + range has been updated I think, Steve made a fleeting mention in the announcement.
Happy birthday Sands! have a great day the both of you.
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good one!
Have a great day, Sands!
Happy birthday Sands! 😀
Chris – you’re a lucky guy!
Hi Guys,
Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I / we had a really great day, which finished off with a brandy, coffee and a chocolate donut, Chris was brilliant all day, and TODAY I get to do the girlie lunch!!!
See that guys …….. Brilliant!!! That’s a first I can tell you 🙂
@Danny – the new Nano does work with the Nike+ but at the moment Nike don’t have any new clothing to go with it, which is actually pretty interesting. Maybe they want people to keep the existing Nano for running and the new one for posing!!
Anyway while being brilliant I did suggest that Sands get an iPhone for the same reasons as I am getting one, and get rid of her T3 and iPod Mini as a result 🙂 Didn’t get a ‘no’ so maybe one day ……..
Missed this post – belated happy returns!