Earlier today I spoke to Tim on his show and I am delighted to share with you the details of this his 87th episode. If you don’t listen to his show yet I think you should give it a go. Load it on that new Christmas iPod.
Welcome to episode 87 of the MacReviewCast, I want to thank you for downloading and listening to the podcast. We have a lot of great folks on today’s episode with their reviews and comments on software, hardware and websites that make using the Mac special. Plus I’ll have the top freeware Mac apps of the week and much more.
Here is the freeware and shareware I look at during the podcast:
Glitschka Studios: http://www.vonglitschka.com
Imagewell: http://www.xtralean.com
OnyX: http://www.titanium.free.fr
BackityMac: http://www.whimsplucky.com
dead.licious: http://www.malarkeysoftware.com
iSteg: http://www.hanynet.com
Permanent Eraser: http://www.edenwaith.com
CocoaDuel: http://cocoaduel.com
This week we are talking to our friend from Spain, Chris Marshall. here is what he talked about:
ChronoSync v3.3.4. (http://www.surfbits.com/?p=983)
1417 error: http://myapplestuff.com/problem-updating-1g-shuffle
Lindy (http://www.lindy.com)
Queen of England Podcasting: http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,70131-13558599,00.html?f=rss
Trent Armstrong from the Mannerscast.com website joins us today. Here is what Trent reviews
Billings 2: http://www.marketcircle.com
Robert Pritchett from the macCompanion.com joins us today. Here is what we discuss
Meet John Doe : “http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0033891/”
Macintosh User Group to be a part of Lions Clubs International: “http://applemaqau.lionwap.org/”
Md 201
District Q1
Apple-MAQ Lions Club of QLD
P.O. Box 7438 East Brisbane QLD 4169
Club Tele: 61 7 3895 8103
MacScan 2.3 Beta: http://macscan.securemac.com/macscanforum/viewforum.php?f=2
ILoveMyMac GiftAway: http://www.maccompanion.com/IlovemyMacGiftaway.html
Jeff Powell joins us today. Here is what he talks about
WriteRoom 2.0
Screen Sieve
Griffin Elevator
Today Is the Ten-Year Anniversary of Apple’s Acquisition of Next (12/20)
Blast from the Past – Apple Go Widget
Try the new ENHANCED version of the MacReviewCast:
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You can either click on the podcast link on the left and listen to it via QT from the browser, or you can right click on the podcast link and choose to “download linked file”. That will download the mp3 and you can play it from you hard drive with iTunes.
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Technorati Tags:
software, review, mac, apple, iTunes, Mac mini, podcast, Macreviewcast, podcasting, maccompanion, OSX, iPhoto, flickr
My notes from the show:
My “review of the week” is ChronoSync v3.3.4. ( http://www.surfbits.com/?p=983). “It is an easy to use data management tool that allows you to efficiently synchronize files and folders from one disk location to another. Using the document-based interface, you can easily identify a group of files, specify a destination, then schedule the action to occur as often as necessary”
In terms of my own blog, in addition to the reviews I have a couple of “issues” that I am trying to resolve. I am getting a very frustrating 1417 error when I try and upgrade our 1G iPod Shuffles ( http://myapplestuff.com/problem-updating-1g-shuffle/) and I am trying to work out the best way of using my Apple remote from another room as well as when I am at my desk ( http://myapplestuff.com/extend-the-range-of-the-apple-remote/)
As far as my current dual screen project goes Lindy (http://www.lindy.com) have again impressed in that they got the stuff to me within a couple of days of it coming into stock. Unfortunately it looks like there may be an issue getting power to the VGA Converter, and as they are closed until January 2nd I am not going to be looking at that until the New Year. I can view my Mac on the TV so am happy enough for now ( http://www.flickr.com/photos/ourcoolmacpics/330100560/)
I am sure that I am not alone in wondering exactly what is going on with the Apple iPhone. I am 50/50 on whether I would get one ( http://myapplestuff.com/apple-2007-wish-list/) but if it looks like the one in the latest rumor then I think I would be tempted ( http://myapplestuff.com/another-apple-phone-rumor-now-slightly-more-plausible-but-not-really/)
Finally, whilst not a “royalist” at all I was amused to see the that the Queen of England will be the latest to join the ‘casting world ( http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,70131-13558599,00.html?f=rss ). I wonder if she is phoning around for advertisers?!