The MacReviewCast #89

Welcome to episode 89 of the MacReviewCast, I want to thank you for downloading and listening to the podcast. We have a lot of great folks on today’s episode with their reviews and comments on software, hardware and websites that make using the Mac special. Plus I’ll have the top freeware Mac MenuBar apps and much more.

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Here is the freeware and shareware I look at during the podcast:
Jeweled Platypus:
Spirited Away:
DeskTopple Basic:
Temperature Monitor:

This week we are talking to our friend from Spain, Chris Marshall. here is what he talked about:
My Top Ten Apps:
Portraits & Prints:

Trent Armstrong from the website is unable to join us today.

Robert Pritchett from the joins us today. Here is what we discuss
I Love My Mac Gift Away:
Adobe-authorized Blog:
MOAB Fixes Group

Jeff Powell joins us today. Here is what he talks about
Ecamm releases iGlasses 1.4
Forget Me Not 3.0
WriteRoom 2.0
iDropper – FTP made simple
CardRaider: Undelete for Memory Cards

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1 thought on “The MacReviewCast #89

  1. MyAppleStuff Post author

    As “usual” here are my notes:

    Projects – The launch CastCount ( went OK, although I think it suffered because of the backlash against MAAD. I happen tao agree with a lot of the negative comments BUT I don’t see why people have to be so hash and critical. That does seem to be an increasing trend I am noticing more on more on forums and social networking sites. People seem to think it is smart, or clever to be critical. It is a monority, but there seems to be too much arrogance and self importance in the Mac community at the moment, as if the end users think they have a “right” to free stuff etc. On the Dual Screen ( front this has pretty much come to an end as it has proved impossible to do what I wanted. I will be doing a detailed article on this in due course.

    Apple – This will be my second Macworld since I have been a Mac user so I am still unsure what to expect. An iPhone, new iPod, iTV seem certainties according to the rumours and forecasts, so I guess I wouldn’t be surprised if some or all of them don’t appear. iWorks isn’t something I use and it will be interesting to see what they decide we can’t do without this year in terms of iLife 07 and other products. I have said it before but I really do see 2007 more as a year of consolidation than of spectacular new launches.

    My Blog – No Mac blog would be complete without a Top 10, so no surprise that I have done mine ( I have not gone for the best applications or products that I have seen this year, but for the best that I consistently use. Another post was on Steve coming to Spain ( which will probably have appealed to virtually no one but me.

    Review – Portraits & Prints ( was a neat, fun application. Not my “cup of tea” but hard to fault. Maybe a little expensive, but if that sort of thing appeals to you then you will no doubt think it is good value.

    And finally – a reminder of the fun little competition we hope you will all participate in (

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