The MacReviewCast Episode 101: Prize Give-a-Way Info

Welcome to episode 101 of the MacReviewCast, I want to thank you for downloading and listening to the podcast. We have a lot of great folks on today’s episode with their reviews and comments on software, hardware and websites that make using the Mac special. Plus I’ll have the top freeware Mac apps of the week and much more.

Here is the freeware and shareware I look at during the podcast:
Mac Aggregate Tracker:
Radtech: Impact Secure hard disk enclosure with Hardware encryption

This week we are talking to our friend from Spain, Chris Marshall. here is what he talked about:
Adobe LightRoom:

Trent Armstrong from the website is unable to join us.

Robert Pritchett from the joins us today. Here is what we talk about
Kinesis Keyboard:

Jeff Powell joins us today. Here is what he discusses
CreateTorrent Widget 1.0
AppFresh – software
update for the Non-Apple Applications

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1 thought on “The MacReviewCast Episode 101: Prize Give-a-Way Info

  1. MyAppleStuff Post author

    MyBlog – I am trying to figure out why the blog is going so slowly. Apologies that this is taking so long. It may be that there are too many links in it which is a bit of a problem given how many reviews it has. At the moment I have taken away the Forum and a number of other pages.

    I do like the Twit This feature though. I smiled and felt guilty at the item that Apple wanted you to buy more than one iPod, as we have 9 between my wife and I.

    Wayne wrote an interesting article on the AppleTV and the impact it may have on the number of codecs that we will need in the future. His theory is that we may see standardization on h.264

    MyProjects – As you will tell from the Lightroom review (below) Photography is taking a lot of my time at the moment, especially when you add in the work I am doing for my friends restaurant. The 4frames initiative is going really well – today we are looking at a 12 Macro photographs project.

    Reviews – I reviewed two great products this week Lightroom and iDropper. iDropperTM is an FTP file transfer system in two parts: The iDropper application, and the uploader client “dropletsâ€? which it creates. You can distribute the droplets (Mac or Windows) to anyone you wish, or use them on your own desktop. Lightroom is an amazing application to support your photographic workflow, and enhance your photographs.

    AppleNews – Now the AppleTV is out there is a lot of debate as to whether a Mac mini or an AppleTV makes most sense. Personally I would go with the Mac mini BUT I think they need to make it dual screen capable, improve the speed, and upgrade the graphics capabilities. Once they do that I will buy another one.

    And yes – I had a huge hangover!!!!

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