Welcome to episode 91 of the MacReviewCast, I want to thank you for downloading and listening to the podcast. We have a lot of great folks on today’s episode with their reviews and comments on software, hardware and websites that make using the Mac special. Plus I’ll have the top freeware Mac apps of the week and much more.
In case you’re not able to download the podcast through iTunes or your Podcatcher, here is a link to a third party website to grab Podcast 91: http://www.divshare.com/download/60783-51e
Here is the freeware and shareware I look at during the podcast:
Surfbits.com Logo Design: wingnut.rolfe@mac.com
Feed Rinse: http://www.feedrinse.com
JDarkRoom: http://www.codealchemists.com/jdarkroom
Max: http://sbooth.org/Max
CD Paranoia: http://www.xiph.org/paranoia
SeaMonkey: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey
Organize: http://peacockmedia.co.uk/organise
Moodle: http://moodle.org
PmWiki: http://www.pmichaud.com/wiki/PmWiki/PmWiki
D2X-XL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/d2x-xl
Excalibur: Morgana’s Revenge 3: http://excaliburworld.com/emr
SyncTwoFolders: http://perso.orange.fr/tcfj/site/Prg_AutresRB.html
AmnestyGenerator: http://amnesty.mesadynamics.com/Generator.html
ByteController: http://www.bytetastic.com
This week we are talking to our friend from Spain, Chris Marshall. here is what he talked about:
Wayne’s Blog: http://myapplestuff.com/a-new-beginning-with-a-bit-of-history
Why I renewed .Mac: http://myapplestuff.com/mac-renewed
Sony DSC-SR70: http://myapplestuff.com/sony-dcr-sr70-dont-buy-it
Trent Armstrong from the Mannerscast.com website cannot join us today.
Robert Pritchett from the macCompanion.com cannot join us today.
Jeff Powell joins us today. Here is what he discusses
Billable 1.1 Release
Feeder 1.4
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Free Quicksilver user guide ebook
Uninspiring Vista – How Microsoft’s long-awaited operating system disappointed a stubborn fan.
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Technorati Tags:
software, review, mac, apple, iTunes, Mac mini, podcast, Macreviewcast, podcasting, maccompanion, OSX, iPhoto, flickr
My Notes:
MyAppleStuff – I have posted the first on a series of articles from Wayne documenting his first adventure into blogging and podcasting ( http://myapplestuff.com/a-new-beginning-with-a-bit-of-history/) which I am enjoying and I think you will, and I decided to renew my .Mac account, for a number of reasons ( http://myapplestuff.com/mac-renewed/)
Apple – 3 new Mac adverts caught my eye and I liked them ( http://myapplestuff.com/3-new-mac-adverts/) which was good as you may recall that I didn’t like the last set. I have been interested in the level of negativity over both the iPhone and the AppleTV. I am sure they will both be great sellers (in fact the AppleTV already is) but in general I think that people are not universally bowled over by them. Most people I talk to are really waiting for an extended iPhone range, a drop in price and anything but Cingular!!!
Projects – Pretty quite on this front this week. Everything for my audio project is now in the post so there is a slight chance that next week I will have it all set up, but probably the week after.
Reviews – I haven’t reviewed any software this week. I did check out a neighbours Sony DSC-SR70 ( http://myapplestuff.com/sony-dcr-sr70-dont-buy-it/) which I was excited about as I am going to be looking for a new Camcorder this year BUT it was a nightmare and I advise any Mac user (in fact anybody) to stay well clear of it.
And finally – I guess the plans for the photo competition have been blown out the water in that Macworld didn’t announce anything that people can buy this month! So I am going to keep the competition open until both the AppleTV and the iPhone are available.