Welcome to episode 94 of the MacReviewCast, I want to thank you for downloading and listening to the podcast. We have a lot of great folks on today’s episode with their reviews and comments on software, hardware and websites that make using the Mac special. Plus I’ll have the top freeware Mac apps of the week and much more.
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Here is the freeware and shareware I look at during the podcast:
Mac Cleanse
AudioBook Builder
This week we are talking to our friend from Spain, Chris Marshall. here is what he talked about:
SOHO Labels and Envelopes
DSLR to Buy
Trent Armstrong from the Mannerscast.com website does not joins us today.
Robert Pritchett from the macCompanion joins us today. Here is what we talk about
I Love My Mac Give-Away
FeedforAll Mac
Miglia Dialog +
Jeff Powell joins us today. Here is what he discusses
ChaChing – From Midnight Apps
Quicksilver reminder tip — Full Quicksilver Guide
Red Snapper – Safari Screen Capture Tool
Ghost Action GTD
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Technorati Tags:
software, review, mac, apple, iTunes, Mac mini, podcast, Macreviewcast, podcasting, maccompanion, OSX, iPhoto, flickr
This is what “Mr Croaky” will have to discuss tomorrow:
Reviews – SOHO Labels and Envelopes ( http://myapplestuff.com/soho-labels-envelopes-201/ ) was better than I thought it would be. As you know I am not a huge user of these type of applications but it did what it meant to do very well and interacted with the content on the Mac very well. MyMenuDate ( http://myapplestuff.com/mymenudate/) is a neat “one trick pony” menu application with some useful flexibility. I especially liked the ability to re order the date format, and I found the background colour and text options pretty useful.
My Site – In addition to Wayne’s ongoing podcasting ventures ( http://myapplestuff.com/feeding-the-many/) I have started to document the process I am going through in deciding which DSLR to buy ( http://myapplestuff.com/selecting-a-dslr/). This is turning out to be more complicated and difficult than I imagined. On the plus side I am developing my knowledge at an amazing rate and have been helped by some really great people, especially Matt and Mike. The pictures continue to roll in slowly, with yet another from Mac who has just bought a 2nd Mac mini to act as a media hub.
My Projects – because I have had a sore throat I haven’t been able to do much with my mixer and microphone, although they have all arrived and work just fine. Thanks for the ‘heads up’ on the settings you use! With respect to the Dual Screen, that is pretty much dead in the water now for me. I think a 2nd Mac mini is called for to hook up permanently the TV although I am somewhat disappointed ( http://myapplestuff.com/tv-connection-update/) with the quality of the picture you get. I have heard from a number of listeners who have similar views.
Apple News – in terms of what caught my eye, not a lot really. I realised that I am bored with the rumours as they seem to be wrong more times than they are right, and the DRM debate just seems to be dragging on. Maybe I just don’t get it but if a company wants to produce products that only work with each other (iTunes and iPod) and people want to buy them knowing that is the case what is the issue? No one is been mislead, and as Adam repeatedly says, burn your purchased Music to a CD and you don’t have the DRM issue!! Apple always tell you to make a back up anyway so really what is the big deal?
One More Thing!! A combination of the sore throat, a couple of stormy days, and the need to sort out my old pictures before I start with some new stuff with the DSLR means that I have tagged 3225 pictures in iPhoto this week. The upside is a) seeing a lot of forgotten pictures and b) getting a really neat “then and now” comparison with our own IT here in at home ( http://myapplestuff.com/funny-how-things-change/)