Welcome to episode 97 of the MacReviewCast, I want to thank you for downloading and listening to the podcast. We have a lot of great folks on today’s episode with their reviews and comments on software, hardware and websites that make using the Mac special. Plus I’ll have the top freeware Mac apps of the week and much more.
Here is the freeware and shareware I look at during the podcast:
Bart’s Blog: http://www.bartbusschots.ie
Appdelete: http://reggie.ashworth.googlepages.com/appdelete
Paul Figgiani: http://www.podcastrigs.com
SoundStream: http://www.pcheese.net/software/soundstream
Rogue Amoeba: http://www.rogueamoeba.com/freebies
GTDGmail: http://www.gtdgmail.com
Gmail Browser: http://willmore.eu/gmailbrowser
Isolate: http://willmore.eu/isolator/index.html
Crop: http://www.imovieplugins.com/plugs/crop.html
Schoolhouse 2: http://www.loganscollins.com/schoolhouse
This week we are talking to our friend from Spain, Chris Marshall. here is what he talked about:
Disco: http://www.discoapp.com
Keyword Manage: http://www.bullstorm.se
Toast: http://myapplestuff.com/i-love-toast
AppleTV: http://myapplestuff.com/apple-tv-just-got-interesting
Smugmug: http://www.smugmug.com
Trent Armstrong from the Mannerscast.com website does not joins us today.
Robert Pritchett from the macCompanion.com joins us today. Here is what we talk about
I Love My Mac Give-Away: http://www.maccompanion.com/IlovemyMacGiftaway.html
TED 2006: http://www.ted.com
2-finger two-hand touch techniques: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=884017118027634444&q=Jeff+Han
March macCompanion: http://www.maccompanion.com/archives/March2007/macCMarch2007index.html
Jeff Powell joins us today. Here is what he discusses
In Search of the Valley – Article – Reviews at TechCrunch and Kirkville – Available from Steamburst and the trailer can be viewed here.
Speed up Mail.app
Emailing entire Webpages (not just links) — Select File -> Mail Contents of the Page (Command-I), Safari copies the page to Apple Mail and allow you to post it to the recipient of your choice. To go beyond the basics, see this video tutorial for more details.
DuckCall – iSight automated image capture
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Technorati Tags:
software, review, mac, apple, iTunes, Mac mini, podcast, Macreviewcast, podcasting, maccompanion, OSX, iPhoto, flickr
My Blog: Wayne posted again after a weeks break on the need for consistency and content ( http://myapplestuff.com/keeping-it-up/) which is something that I try hard to maintain with my own blog. I have added an Amazon UK store to the site to see how it works. The forums are picking up slowly but in the way I wanted them to.
Reviews: I liked Disco before and now they have added smoke to the Mac mini I am really happy ( http://myapplestuff.com/disco-10/). I also took a look at Toast specifically with a view to converting eyeTV recordings to DVD-R and I was really impressed ( http://myapplestuff.com/i-love-toast/). I totally loved Keyword Manager and recommend it to anyone that uses iPhoto ( http://myapplestuff.com/keyword-manager/).
Projects: I think it is OK to say that the Audio Project is now completed and everything is up and running ( http://myapplestuff.com/multimix8usb/). I am still waiting for the cables so I can lay the network, which I am excited about.
Apple News: The AppleTV was the main thing that caught my eye this week, not just because it is looking like it will be delayed (remember our conversation at the beginning of the year about Corporate Fatigue??) but also because I was always against getting one as it only works with iTunes content but as I can export my recorded material into iTunes it is now slightly more attractive ( http://myapplestuff.com/apple-tv-just-got-interesting/)
And of course I have yet another addiction: SmugMug (www.smugmug.com) is a really good site for storing and promoting your digital pictures.
And ‘one more thing’ – the comments so far on the DSLR project have been really helpful, thanks and keep them coming.