The ONE Campaign


I have thought for some time as to whether I should post about The ONE Campaign as it is a very personal decision as to what charity, if any, people opt to get involved in. To be honest ‘get involved’ is a somewhat exaggerated statement. I wear the white band, I participate in the site and calls to action when I can (less so now I am in Spain all the time as it is a very US focussed site in that respect i.e. requests to lobby your congressman).

I actually first became aware of the organisation in any detail at a U2 concert in Madison Square Gardens (how about that for a bit of name dropping!!).

Anyway I was doing some catching up on their site today and reading the latest news letter (below) and I was struck with how well they were using the internet, social network sites, blogs, bloggers etc to get their message across and more importantly to facilitate participation.

I also came to the conclusion that I wanted to post about this as and when it felt right, so I am going to!

I am not expecting anything from you, sure it would be cool if you took a look at the site, but this is just something that I do and as such has a place on the site.

Latest Newsletter

As the temperature went up this summer, ONE members like you didn’t stay in to beat the heat. In the month of August, ONE members organized dozens of in-district lobbying meetings with members of Congress and sent more than 90,000 letters to back those meetings up.

In those meetings, you advocated for poverty-fighting legislation that offers practical solutions to problems that keep millions trapped in poverty—from the women-empowering GROWTH Act to the Education for All Act, which would help a generation of children get access to a real education.

You also stepped-up and responded to a special call to advocate for the lifesaving Global Child Survival Act. Your letters in support of the Global Child Survival Act sent a very clear message: It is unacceptable that 30,000 children die everyday of preventable causes. The Global Child Survival Act would make investments in low-cost but effective lifesaving interventions, like immunizations, vitamins, and basic sanitation. ONE members represent the will of an American people that are ready to act.

Thank you. Your efforts reminded politicians in Washington that there are millions of Americans who want to do the right thing and lead the fight against global poverty.

The only thing more impressive than the sheer number of letters and lobbying meetings is the impact they had. The blog posts ONE members submitted about their meetings with members of Congress show just how effective our grassroots lobbying can be.

In Florida, ONE members met with Republican Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart who:

…agreed to closely review the Global Child Survival Act. He also agreed to support the GROWTH Act and saw merit in the proposal to help women in developing countries.

And in Alabama:

…seven ONE activists took turns briefing [Democratic] Rep. Davis on three pieces of legislation: The Education for All Act, The Global Child Survival Act, and the GROWTH Act…
Rep. Davis, commented that this legislation builds a “case for American values.” He said that there is a perception “that America is no longer interested in marginalized people around the world.”

Davis’ district consists of some of the poorest counties in the US where as much as 30-40% of the population live below the poverty line. Davis says he is sometimes asked how he can spend time on global poverty issues when the needs at home are so great. He responded that “in a strong country, addressing poverty abroad and poverty at home should not be an either/or issue but a both/and issue…”

And Rep. Davis said that he “would be happy to co-sponsor” these three important pieces of legislation. We hit the TRIFECTA!

There is more work to be done and I look forward to continuing to press for American leadership in the fight against global poverty and disease. But when the day comes that we can celebrate victories on critical legislation like the Global Child Survival Act, I hope you’ll remember that it was the good work of ONE members taking action early and often that made it all possible.

Thank you for your voice,

Josh Peck,

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