It was June last year when I reviewed Call Recorder so I guess an upgrade was about due. Adding video recording is a nice touch.
For those of you (like me) who favour the Mac mini over the AppleTV this article on how to turn your Mac mini into an AppleTV whilst not 100% may give you some useful tips.
‘Code of Conduct’ and ‘blogging’ shouldn’t really be in the same sentence but when extremes are reached sometimes we have to adjust our views.
For anyone who, like me, has bought a Mac only to find it has been upgraded weeks later this article on knowing when to buy your Mac may reduce your frustration levels.
If you use WordPress you will already appreciate the great work done in providing exceptional plugins. A list of the top 30 will always be subjective but it has some excellent plugins, some I have used, some I am thinking about, some I can’t see that I would ever want – but that is the beauty of one persons opinion!
For all you from USA please don’t be offended but it seems that you may not be as smart as you think you are compared to other parts of the world. I will now sit back and duck!!!
And in case you missed it – CS3 was announced, but you knew that already!