TuneX $7.50 is another menu bar application that makes using iTunes on your Mac just that little bit easier.
To quote from their site: “TuneX is a easy to use application that allows you to access iTunes through any application on your computer. It is designed around the idea that it will take up only the minimal amount of screen space by sliding underneath the menu bar when not in use. This controller gives you access to the most fundamental features of iTunes such as Play/Pause, Back Track, Next Track, Volume and more from with in any running application on your computer.”
So what do I like best about TuneX? Simply the fact that is really simple both to use and set up. I am not a hot key person as I can never remember which combination works on which application, but it has a wealth of options for those that use this feature. Again I usually turn off notification options as I have got fed up in the past with notifications pinging on all the time, but again for those that use them the integration with Growl will no doubt be welcome.
My most used feature was the search option, which I set to the whole library rather than specific playlists, so that at any time I could quickly find out the name of a track that I wanted to know. I also used the application a lot when I was listening to podcasts, as I usually want to pause, stop, fast forward and rewind these more so than I do with my music. When I am at the Mac and listening to music it is for background so it doesn’t matter really if I “miss” a couple of tracks, but I like to be able to quickly pause a podcast when the inevitable interruption occurs.
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