A number of people have asked me what WasteAWeekend is all about, and whilst I have some knowledge of the people behind it I am as much in the dark as the rest of you!
I do know that it has attracted a significant amount of interest already, some good and some bad.
I do know that the guys behind it are putting an awful lot of effort into it, and that whilst constructive criticism will no doubt be welcome and acted upon, once again I am at a loss why people that obviously aren’t interested seem to want to spend so much time criticizing? To be honest I am not sure that it will be something that I will participate in, but I have signed up partly out of “professional interest”, partly to support the guys behind it, but mainly because there is no reason not to! If I want to participate I will, if I want to ignore it I will, but I certainly wont go and criticize other people for wanting to have some fun in a different and creative way. Good luck is what I say. And don’t forget that you only have until Monday midnight (PST) to sign up
If you become a “Hero” let me know – the world can never have enough hero’s!!!
Oh, yes “unofficially” you may want to put aside more than one weekend for this as I think it is going to run every other weekend for a whole year from March 2007.
And ….. ideas for prizes featured on the old preview site (ipods, pzizz machines and such) are just the beginning according to these guys.
If I hear more I will let you know.
MacAppaDay and WasteaWeekend isn`t working anymore. Is it just me or do you have the same problem?
They are moving servers and it is taking a little longer than expected. Hang in there they should be up again later today.
Its been almost 2 days now and neither of them are working and I want my free apps.
I know – you and me both 🙂
I know that they have every intention of catching up with the full quota over time though, so think of it as a chance to play with the some of the stuff you have already got, catch up on some sleep and do some Xmas shopping (actually scrub that lat bit!!!)