Happy Birthday Moreno

Moreno (Mori) is SEVENTEEN (17) today! No getting away from the fact that he is slower, thinner, and a tad wobbly on his back legs BUT he is 100% still ‘our Mori’. He really hasn’t changed much over the years, either in appearance or attitude and that is just purrfect with us!

The Early Years: many many years ago in Spain, aged around two.

Not long before we left Spain aged around twelve

With Fleur in the bedroom in the UK aged seventeen.

He has got himself a brilliant routine!

Starts the day off snuggled into my arm and has a few snacks on the bed! He then wanders off and goes downstairs and checks out the garden, then into the kitchen for his wet food and YouMove.

Next on his agenda is a sit on a windowsill watching the world go past before heading for a dog bed in the bedroom and a kip.

He pops downstairs early afternoon for a few treats in the garden or ideally the kitchen, then heads back to sleep the off.

Late afternoon/early evening he is back downstairs for a wander round the garden and this year he has found the log burner so he meows until we light it and then that’s him for the evening: curled up in his bed in front of the fire, pops out to the garden for a drink from the fountain and a pee, then back to his fire.

By the time I am ready for bed he is upstairs waiting for the tap in the bathroom to be turned on for a drink, a few snacks on the bed and then curls up in my arm with Fleur.

He usually wakes once or twice in the night and demands the tap is turned on in the bathroom and for a few more snacks.

He can keep doing this for as long as he wants as we totally adore him and what he has done for our lives.

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