Remembering Hollie (RIP)

It is nineteen (19) days now since we said goodbye to Hollie. She is now back with us and her memorials are all in place along with the other cats and dogs we have lost over the years.


We get two photos printed to go in the small glass frame that sits behind the Urn and one to go in the photo frame with their passport, registration card and plaque with their dates on (NB: we won’t be doing this with the Donuts as they don’t have passports, just vaccination cards).

We have one photo that is a close up head shot, and one that is playful/happy.

This is the photo that sits behind her ashes. There were many things that she loved, but she was always so proud of herself sitting on this footstool in the lounge controlling what went on. She had the most beautiful alluring face and eyes and this is a photo that will always remind me of how much at home she was with us and how much she enjoyed life.
This photo is in the frame with her passport etc. She loved being on the sofa and if she couldn’t be bothered to get off when we came in she would wiggle over to the cushion and tell us with her eyes that she wanted a fuss.

Lead & Collar

Her leads and collars hang above the stairs next to her photo, passport, registration card and plaque. In time she will be joined by Tigra and Tito, and their leads and collars will never be used by another dog.


She has the same urn as the others we have lost since being back in the UK and the name tag is secured with some of the red wool that Orla used to love playing with.
She sits with all the ones we have lost and in time we will move the dogs to their own area and keep the cats on this window sill which is in the dining room so we pass it every day.

Memorial Wall

Her outdoor plaque is on the memorial wall with her name and dates, and she joins Orla, Sophie, Teo, Saidi, Oscar and Fleur. She never knew Orla, Sophie and Teo. The plant against the wall is from a cutting we brought back from Spain of the bush we found Sophie in. It has really flourished here in the UK, something I a sure she would have done if she hadn’t been taken from us at such a young age.


ON my right arm I have all the Spanish animals passport and chip numbers, their date of births, and (in red) their RIP date and a red paw print with their name and the phrase (below) which I hope they know!

Her RIP date in red below her birth date, and a paw and her name alongside the others


We have a picture collage for Orla, Sophie and Teo, their passports and Teo’s lead. It will all come back to Uk when we sell the apartment and go on a wall together.

Never Forgotten – Forever Loved

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